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"All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it."​
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 

Discover Little Prince thoughts on education

Welcome to the Little Prince thoughts on education, a unique blog here for you to explore. The "Little Prince thoughts" on education is tailored for dedicated educators who are invested in improving their instructional skills and becoming the best educators they can possibly be.  I am happy to have the opportunity to share my passion and thoughts with my loyal readers. Read on, and enjoy.

  • Writer's picturesharon mayo

Talents are needed for jobs at the future school.

"To an organization that enables the advancement of the future of the State in the fields of security, health, academia, industries (high-tech and more) and science. By developing and training the future generation of the State in the aspects of high-order thinking skills, dialogue skills, digital literacy and STEM, values, self-management, lifelong learning, innovation skills, leadership and flexibility. Talents are needed for the following positions..."

Note: The position is open to both adults and children and youth studying in the organization.

The world of employment has undergone far-reaching changes in recent years, and the increasing transition to digital creates fertile ground for the growth of new professions. The new professions sometimes replace existing professions, but mostly update and upgrade professions. For example, a content writer will become a content manager in digital channels. A designer - for a UX specialist, and a copywriter for a microcopy writer. This is not a minor change ,its a different professions with a similar base, but with a different basket of tools and skills.

It is difficult to predict what new professions will be in the future, but here too it is important to be creative, to look critically at global processes and to understand the new needs that will be required. New technologies and new consumer behavior lead to new professions. The new professions reflect the innovations in the industry itself, some are temporary, and some will become permanent. Professions should be created in the labor market, not in academia or in laboratories. The labor market determines a need which reflects some kind of development. If there is a clear need, with a clear content of skills, knowledge, and work methods - a new profession is born.

In my opinion, the schools and within them the school staff should understand and embrace the concept that we must be lifelong learners, this concept should permeate both the students and the staff. The training of the educational staff, before their work at the school and during their work, should give them the opportunity to know themselves as learners and train them not only what to learn, but also how to learn and how to deal with a change in their role in the future.

The importance of the "title"

An essential part of changing the world of work is reflected in the new "titles". In some cases, the essence of the work has not changed, but still there is a difference. The way you call the position and define it casts a different behavior in the employee. It's harness, words create reality, the way they are formulated affects the way they act and self-definition.

Studies have shown that the name of the position (the title) influences the involvement of the employees, on the motivation and even on the ability to recruit suitable people for it. Prof. Dan Cable from London Business School investigated the issue through experiments he conducted in which employees were asked to reinvent the title for their position. He and his research partners found that people who invented new titles experienced less job burnout, felt more valued and experienced more 'psychological security', feeling more comfortable expressing an opinion and sharing information in the workplace. In additional studies, it was found that changing the title may increase job satisfaction and the employees' identification with the company.

The 'rebranding' of roles, especially when it communicates the reasons for doing the work, the meaning of the role, can have positive effects both on the way people performing the role see themselves and, on the way, they are perceived by other people.

The new subjects/titles at the future school

Global change does not miss the school. The educational institution whose role is to train children and youth for the future labor market will have to change and some will say reinvent itself in order to be relevant. This change will require some of the current school staff to undergo professional retraining in order to provide the outputs expected from the future educational organization. Here are some suggestions for positions, which reflect the face of the future educational institution in my opinion. The future organization will look for talents for the following positions: (Some of the job titles were taken from the high-tech world but were given a new meaning in the world of education).


Job definition: a value-professional figure who accompanies the growth process of the students for a specified period and exposes them to the professional side of the job according to the place of specialization. This is a person whose nature will empower the student, accompany his personal development, be for him a "significant adult" and a role model, and help him initiate a process of personal and social development and growth. The mentor will guide the learner based on a deep and personal acquaintance. He will also accompany the learner in searching for sources of information and knowledge. The mentor is required to have a wide view of the learner's development.

Product Manager

Job description: content expert in one of the subjects/skills taught. The product manager will coordinate and manage all employees in the organization in his content area. As part of his role, the product manager will ensure that the content and learning product is up-to-date, relevant, and optimally accessible to learners.

Experience and user interface domain manager.

Job description: Responsible for the learner experience in the organization. His role is to develop lesson plans and promote up-to-date physical and virtual learning environments suitable for the current generation of learners.

Data Science Manager

Job description: Manages the data area in the organization. In doing so, collecting data, analyzing it, and presenting it as knowledge for the use of all the employees of the organization and for the benefit of the advancement of the learners.

Director of eLearning & Innovation

Job definition: An innovation manager focuses on the assimilation of innovation in his organization - building and operating an efficient process of innovation in the organization. This process includes identifying strategies, business opportunities and new technologies. The innovation manager has to develop and manage knowledge from several different content worlds in order to create the innovative educational product, which changes according to the needs of the various "customers" in the education system - centered on the student.

Head of People Operations

Job definition: responsibility for the entire field of people in the organization while taking care of the employees' well-being, their mental health and shaping the organizational culture. The position includes responsibility for recruitment, attention to detail and working with the Learning and Development manager for the personal and professional development of the professional staff.

Head of emotional support

Position definition: responsibility for the field of S.E.L among the educational staff and learners. Assistance to the educational teams in promoting an optimal climate among the learners alongside the development of conditions that promote teamwork: ability, motivation and prevention of burnout, ways of making decisions, initiative, responsibility, and leadership.

Program Architect

Job description: development, construction, and design of new and innovative study programs in the organization. As identified by the Director of eLearning & Innovation.

Learning and Development manager

Job description: responsible for the learning culture in the organization and, as a result, for the professional development of the employees in the organization. In his role, he will take care of internal organizational learning about strengths and weaknesses among the professional teams and will develop solutions for professional training/retraining in the face of professional challenges. The goal is to create learning and growth opportunities for people in the organization to give them the skills that will give them meaning and create organizational innovation. Along with this, responsibility for building self-study programs that will allow the organization to recruit new people to the organization quickly and efficiently so that they will be fit for work.

Community Manager

Job description: The community manager is responsible for developing relationships and partnerships with the community outside the organization. His role is to develop partnerships with school parents, informal education bodies, associations, and business companies outside the organization in order to: promote organizational innovation, contribute to society, expose learners to the world outside the educational organization and more.

Operations Manager

Job description: Responsible for managing the operation in the entire organization in aspects of logistics. The operation manager is responsible for all the activities of the organization inside and outside the organization.


IT Manager

Job description: Management of all technological means in the organization including information security policy, privacy policy, teaching bots, information networks and information storage. Also manages the concept of B.Y.O.D.

Academic Adviser

Job definition: providing help and guidance to the learner in his educational journey up to the academy. The academic advisor studies and examines together with the student his talents and professional inclination in order to guide him on the right academic path for him.

Culture Builder

Job definition: The main person that is responsible for the social connection to other schools in the community/ in the country/ in the network of schools. As well as for connecting the various teams in the organization and building the DNA and local culture of the specific organization.

Customer Success Management

The job description: responsibility for the strategy of the educational organization that will ensure, simply, the success of the students there. In doing so, take care of the satisfaction of the learners and their parents, reduce abandonment, and increase loyalty - a connection over time.

V.I.P Manager - Value Integration Program Manager

Note: As the name suggests, in my opinion this is the most important role. A role that may sound redundant to educators because education deals with instilling values, but based on the importance of values, I find it appropriate to recommend the existence of this role.

Job Description: Responsible for the design and implementation of the school's values ​​program in all the subjects taught in the school. Among all the school: staff and students. In his role, the V.I.P manager ensures the existence of an axis of values ​​in the various school activities - learning, trips, games and more.

The writer of this article, who was and is engaged in the development of learning organizations and in the developing of new ways of learning. Sees an opportunity and a need for a fundamental change in the contemporary learning organization (school) and a transition to an innovative learning organization that responds to the new learning needs. An essential step in the progress and upgrading of the education system is updating and changing the set of roles in the school. Based on this, I call school staff and school administrators to update and build new roles in the educational institution in which they work.

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